A delegation led by Qiao Junjie, Secretary of Wujin District Party Committee, visited Cotai Optical Core for investigation and guidance

On the afternoon of October 31, Qiao Junjie, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, secretary of the District Party Committee, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Wujin National High tech Zone, and secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Science and Education City, visited Cotest Optical Core for research and guidance. Zhu Zhengqing, vice chairman of the Changzhou CPPCC and director of the Science and Education City Management Committee, participated in the event. Tian Zheng, the person in charge of Cotest Optical Core, Zhang Wei, the operation director, and Jiang Wei, the technical director, gave a warm reception and accompanied the visitors.

Cotest Optical Core and Jiangsu Research Institute of Dalian University of Technology jointly set up the optoelectronic semiconductor test equipment research and development center and doctoral entrepreneurship practice base to jointly carry out joint technology research, intellectual property layout and other work. So far, Cotest Optical Core Corporation has obtained a total of 40 core invention patents and related software copyrights. Secretary Qiao affirmed that Cotest takes innovation as the driving force of enterprise growth, and also encouraged Cotest to improve its innovation and R&D capabilities, continue to deepen the cooperation between industry, university and research, and promote technological breakthrough, so as to prepare for its long-term stable development.

Qiao Shuji and his party watched the test bench independently developed by Cotest Optical Core from a close distance, and continued to have a deep understanding of the production, operation and technical service capabilities of Cotest Optical Core. Tian Zheng explained to the visiting leaders the application fields, core technologies and other contents of Cotest optical core fist products. During the explanation, the visiting leaders listened carefully and put forward problems according to the actual situation.

Qiao Shuji stressed that talents are the first resource, and we should always adhere to the priority of talents. We should comprehensively learn, grasp and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, continue to optimize the talent development ecology, and promote the resonance and positive interaction between talent work and economic and social development.
In the future, Cotai Optical Core will also continue to focus on talents, increase R&D investment, forge ahead in caring, and make talents continue to be the core driving force for the company's development, so as to realize the "two-way rush" of talents and industry.

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