In 2022, Wujin District launched the series of activities of "investors see wisdom", Zhang Qian, chairman of Cotest Optical Core, spoke as a talent representative

At 2:00 p.m. on June 9, the launching ceremony of the 2022 Wujin District "Talents See the Wisdom" series activities, hosted by the Wujin District Party Committee's Talent Work Leading Group Office, the Development and Reform Bureau, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the local financial supervision and administration bureau, and undertaken by Jiangsu Guojing Group Co., Ltd., was held in Jingwei Building, with district leaders Yun Qicheng and Zhao Tiansheng participating.

At the launching ceremony, Zhao Tiansheng, member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and head of the Organization Department of the District Committee, delivered a speech. He wished all financial investment institutions, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs could continue to create miracles, achieve dreams and create brilliance in Wujin, a land full of dreams and hopes.

Over the years, the Wujin District Party Committee and the District Government have always taken "strong innovation area" and "strong industry area" as the leading strategy and core fulcrum of urban development, guided the exchange and cooperation between venture capital institutions, financial institutions and innovative enterprises, built a platform for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and built a virtuous circle of "financial ecosystem", with remarkable results.

At the activity site, Zhang Qian, General Manager of Cotest Optical Core, a talent enterprise representative, made a speech. He said that he was grateful for the support of the government and investment institutions. Through the source injection of funds and the guidance of talent policies, the young Kotai Optical Core entered a high-speed growth period. At the same time, we have carried out in-depth co construction of party building with the State Economic Group, explored a new model that fully integrates business and party building, and added "red attributes" to the development of talent enterprises. At the same time, President Zhang also expressed his expectation for the future. Cotest Optical Core will continue to expand the market around the semiconductor optoelectronic testing field, turn from a single solution to a diversified solution, guide and promote the expansion of industrial coupling to a deeper level and a wider field, create more "first" and "unique" industries, and also contribute to the innovative development of Wujin.

Yun Qicheng, Deputy Secretary of Wujin District Party Committee and District Head, was present at the event; Zhao Tiansheng, Member of the Standing Committee of the District Committee and Head of the Organization Department of the District Committee; Zhang Qun, Executive Vice Minister of the Organization Department of the District Committee, Director of the Talent Office of the District Committee, and Director of the District Bureau of Veteran Cadres; Tang Yan, Deputy Director of the District Development and Reform Bureau; Hang Yan, Deputy Director of the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau; Liu Yu, Director of the District Finance Bureau; Xu Yajuan, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Board and General Manager of Jiangsu Guojing Holding Group, jointly launched a series of activities of "investors see wisdom" in Wujin District in 2022.

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